Saturday 5 November 2011

Turkish Delight

500 g sugar
600 ml water
1 tbs lemon juice
1 tsp cream of tartar
100 g cornflour
25 g vegetarian gelatin
2 tsp rose water
1-2 tsp pink or red food colouring

Add all the sugar to 400 ml of water in a bowl and microwave (high) for 3 minutes

in a pan on a moderate heat mix the cornflour, vegetarian gelatin and 200 ml of water and stir continuously

Carefully add 50 ml of the sugar solution to the cornflour solutions and mix well, if it gets lumpy use a hand held mixer or blender to remove the lumps, then add al of this to the bowl of sugar solution and mix well.

Add the rose water and food colouring and mix.

Micorwave the mixture for 5 min then stire well, repeat 9-10 times until the mixture thickens and becomes stringy when you handle a bit of it.

You can also mix in 100 g of broken unsalted pistachos

Pour the mixture into a dish dusted with cornflour and dessicated coconut, cover the top with coconut too,  cool overnight and then cut with a hot knife (dip knife in hot water). Roll in coconut and place in paper cases. This home made Turkish Delight is softer and stickier than the type you buy in shops.

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